Functional pathology testing is a method of specialty investigation that may be used in conjunction with other naturopathic diagnostic techniques to assist in gathering information to make informed clinical diagnoses. Unlike routine pathology tests, functional pathology testing may provide a detailed assessment of an individual's biochemical, hormonal, nutritional and metabolic status.
These methods are generally employed by naturopathic clinicians for early detection and intervention of potential underlying pathological processes otherwise not identified via previous medical investigations. Functional pathology testing can also be useful in determining baseline measures, so that the efficacy of treatment interventions, such as dietary, nutritional and herbal medicine, may be assessed.
Pathology Labs commonly used:
Co-Biome by Microba - Diagnostic Solutions - Nutripath - RN labs - Cyrex laboratories - Clinical Labs - Mosaic Diagnostics
Some of the Functional pathology tests commonly used:
Microbiome Analysis and GIT markers:
MetaXplore by Co-Biome (Microba) -
Next-generation sequencing (NGS), also referred to as Shotgun metagenomic sequencing, can identify 28,000+ microbial species including bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes (fungi and protist parasites).
Shotgun metagenomics also provides a means to study unculturable microorganisms that are otherwise difficult or impossible to analyze, detecting very low abundance members of the microbial community that may be missed or are too expensive to identify using other methods.
Lab time: 20 Business Days
G.I. Map by Diagnostic Solutions -
Tests for Parasites/Worms, Opportunistic Bacteria, Fungi/Yeast, Bacterial Pathogens, Viral Pathogens, Beneficial Bacteria; plus GIT markers including Faecal Occult Blood, Calprotectin, Pancreatic Elastase, sIgA, Zonulin, b-glucuronidase. For more details read below.
Lab time: 7 - 10 Business Days
Complete Microbiome Mapping by Nutripath -
Tests for Parasites/Worms, Opportunistic Bacteria, Fungi/Yeast, Bacterial Pathogens, Viral Pathogens, Beneficial Bacteria; plus GIT markers including Faecal Occult Blood, Calprotectin, Pancreatic Elastase, sIgA, Zonulin, b-glucuronidase and a-Transglutaminase IgA. For more details read below.
Lab time: 5 Business Days
Additional tests that can be used:
Thyroid Profile - Extensive -
This test is for a complete thyroid panel including TSH, free T4, free T3; reverse T3, ratios, TPO Ab, ATG Ab, TSH Receptor Abs. This is the only thyroid test that can rule out thyroid pathology. Standard testing through your GP will often miss thyroid pathologies, and is not a definitive test.
Lab time: 5 Business Days
Salivary Hormone testing -
Female Cycle (28 Day) Hormone Profile: 11x E2; 11x Progesterone day 3, 5, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 28; Testosterone on day 11 - Best test for hormone analysis of the menstural cycle.
Female Hormone Profile - Extensive - DHEAs, E1, E2, E3, Progesterone, Testosterone, Androstenedione, ratios - ideal for trying to capture hormonal dysfuntion for various conditions.
Male Hormone Profile - Extensive - DHEAs, E1, E2, Testosterone, Androstenedione, ratios - ideal for trying to capture hormonal dysfuntion for various conditions.
Adrenocortex Stress - DHEAs (6-8am), Cortisol (6-8am, noon, 4pm, 8pm); E1, E2, E3, Progesterone, Testosterone, ratios - helps to assess the impact stress is having on your hormones and symptoms.
Sleep Profile - Basic - Cortisol (12-2am), Melatonin (12-2am) - The impact stress and melatonin are having on your sleep cycle.
Lab time: 3-5 Business Days
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) breath test:
Hydrogen & Methane breath test for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).
Lab time: 1 Business Day
Zonulin –
This test is for intestinal hyperpermeability (Leaky Gut).
Lab time: 7 Business Days
Zonulin & Gluten Sensitivity Genetic Test -
The test detects the genes (human leukocyte antigens or HLA) that control the immune system's reaction to gluten. There are several types of HLA genes within each person and it is HLA-DQ that is most useful in the assessment of the probability that a person may be gluten sensitive.
Lab time: 10 - 15 Business Days
Autoimmune Assessment - Comprehensive -
A detailed test that points to a specific area of autoimmunity. The best test to use when autoimmunity is suspected.
Lab time: 3 - 5 Business days
This test is for MTHFR (Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) C677T & A1298C SNPs. MTHFR is essentially short for Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. The MTHFR gene test is a useful and powerful assessment to obtain information for a variety of health conditions, including mood disorders, dementia, infertility and cardiovascular disease.
Comprehensive Cardiovascular Profile -
The Comprehensive Cardiovascular Profile includes Liposcreen LDL-Subfraction analytes. Liposcreen separates and quantifies all lipoprotein sub-fractions including the ‘large’, less atherogenic LDL-1 and LDL-2 and the ‘small’, highly atherogenic LDL-3 to LDL-7. The test also measures VLDL and IDL cholesterol linked with type III dyslipidaemia and associated hyperlipoproteinaemias.
GI-Map and the Complete Microbiome Mapping tests further explained
In the last few decades, DNA analysis has transformed the field of microbiology and gut health testing. The Human Microbiome Project and research around the globe have characterized the GI microbiome. More than ever before, we are keenly aware of the health benefits and disease risks brought about by the microorganisms that inhabit the GI tract.
The Complete Microbiome Mapping test was designed to assess a patient’s microbiome from a single stool sample, with particular attention to microbes that cause disease or that disrupt normal microbial balance and contribute to perturbations in the GI flora and contribute to illness.
The panel is a comprehensive collection of microbial targets as well as immune and digestive markers. It screens for pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
Common Conditions:
• Abdominal cramps or pain
• leaky gut symptoms
• Allergies
• Weakness
• Diarrhoea
• Bloating
• Fatigue

Brad’s Treatments provide a method for re-balancing the body’s underlying physiological systems and addressing lifestyle issues that contribute to illness. Online Video Conferencing Consultations offer an affordable natural approach to understanding the terrain of autoimmune problems, allowing your biology’s inherent healing forces to be unleashed and chronic illness to be resolved quickly. Get started from the comfort of your home through convenient webcam consultations wherever you may be in the world.